
A New Chapter

by - 6:06 PM

Mayang Sari Express, Melaka-KL | 5 Aug 2019

Disebabkan aku triggered dengan poll @twtblogger_MY yang ada mention pasal blogger 4-7 updates per year, aku pun rasa dah tiba masanya untuk aku update something dekat sini. Target aku at least 8 updates setahun so aku tak tergolong dalam golongan 4-7 update setahun tu hahaha.

       So! It has realllllly been a while, that sedar tak sedar (ayat cliche) it's already the end of my 9 months break 😭 As you guys might know, or not know, I took a break after diploma and apply for UPU for my degree, that's why I have a looong break, and Alhamdulillah I got accepted at my first choice university for UPU, which will be revealed later, maybe, maybe I'll write a post especially for my first time experience there hehe. Anyways, I got accepted, and will be registering next week, on 2nd September 2019. I'm feeling a lot of things all at once tbh.

       I'm kinda excited to continue study because it's been a while, although I enjoy my time at home, I'm just repeating the same routine all over again so it's... kinda boring I guess. I don't even have anything to write in my journal. It's getting neglected now hahaha. I feel scared too because my diploma friends- despite getting the same course, we're all separated in different universities. Those who know me irl knows I am barely separated with them while in diploma so, I kinda forgot on how to make new friends. Not to mention I am VERY socially awkward too... Let's see how it goes....

      To recap what I've been doing these past 9 months... Hah, I did not work anywhere- not outside of my house. I only do freelance design at home. I started a design commission account on twitter from like, a week after diploma ends? To collect money for a staycation with my friends. But since I don't have license and I can't depend on my parents or sister to send, fetch me from work je kan, so I decided to continue taking commission. The first month, I got like RM150~ish from the commission but Alhamdulillah people start to trust my service and then it rose up to RM500~ish for the next month. It's similar amount with what I can get if I work part time outside. Difference is, my working hour starts from sukahati a.m-sukahati p.m hahaha. Makan minum everything dekat rumah kan so although I didn't earn as much as working outside, I tak penat (but sakit belakang- yes sebab duduk depan laptop je) and most importantly I enjoy what I do. But please don't try to estimate how much I have in my bank account by calculating RM500x8 (months) because... ha ha, I spend a lot on... stuffs..... ha ha ha.....

      If you're wondering what kind of designs I do, remember I did talk about Cupsleeve Event that is an on-going trend among Kpop fans right now in my previous posts? To organize the event, organizer has to prepare cupsleeve (of course), and usually comes with other freebies such as handbanner, photocard, postcard, etc! So I take commission to design those things. Aside from improving my photoshop and design skill, I buat kerja sambil tengok muka oppa while getting money too. Duit dapat tu pun ada jugak pulang balik dekat oppa, to buy their albums 😑 If... You're curious about it, you guys can visit my design commission account, @wujudesigns on twitter hehe. I'm not that good though. I keep the account as secret from all my friends, they don't even know it exists, and my family just know I do designs for blablabla but they didn't know exactly where I promote my service. I'm insecure with my designs but I'd like to think that I'm improving!

      But I also accept non-Kpop related designs. I have another source from my cousin to design bunting for nasi lemak, karipap, char kuay teow, etc. It's honestly so fun! I start to pay more attention to menu buntings at warung to get ideas. Paling terharu bila dapat feedback katanya bertambah pelanggan after letak bunting. Although of course, rezeki is from Him, but if the bunting did helps, I am more than happy to indirectly contribute 😭❤

       Anyways! I'm glad I took this 9 month break. It's a very, very well needed one. I don't think I can handle degree just a month after the stressful diploma FYP. My mental health overall during this break has been extremely fine, I've never been so happy and laid-back, the lack of contact with new people has made me kind of excited to make friends (although I don't know how yet) and I'm anticipating my new routine. It makes me feel more determined to do well in degree too. Playtime's over, I really need to do this shit seriously hahaha. Diploma banyak main-main. If I do well for degree, I'll officially declare 2019 as my best year so far after 2013. So please, pray for me hehe! Also if anyone wants to drop tips on how to make friends, I'll really appreciate it 😂

So that's all for now air gas (read= I guess).
Bye, Assalamualaikum 😊

Did I mention I stanned 2-3 new Kpop groups during this break? ha ha

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16 comment(s)

  1. It has been awhile since I last read your post! Good for you, the last time I have a break before pursuing degree was terribly spend on sleep heh. No wonders I don't get enough sleep once I started my degree :')

    Congratulation on finishing your diploma, good luck emerging to a new phase of life!

    1. It's been a while since i updated too so not really your fault hahaha. Well... i sleep a lot too not gonna lie 😂 btw thank you!! ❤

  2. Congrates for your degree!i am facing the same thing as you are.Currently preparing for degree life.Can't wait to make new friends and going to the next level.Wait what?Degree? hahaha

    Basically to make new friends is easy if you think it is easy.hehe Start by giving a smile ,saying Hi and ask her/his name.Then you can continue your conversation with stuffs that related to class,course and so on.

    i am not a pro in giving tips,but i am always being friendly with all my friends.Orang kata boleh masuk je dengan mana2 geng.

    If you ni pendiam,agak susahlah nak make new friends.

    All the best for your degree life.Please keep update about your upu result.i am eager to know about it.hehe

    1. Omg geng!! I paling bising once dah rapat but nak start conversation tu i takut 😩 i takut i ganggu orang hahaha. Btw thank you, all the best and good luck to you too!! ❤

  3. congratulations dpt sambung degree 👏 try to smile bila jumpa orang yang tak kenal, at least tak kena cop muka sombong and diorang maybe akan tegur you first because of that smile?

    1. Thank you!! Hehe alrightt i need to fix this one bad habit of mine- i tak suka jalan sambil pandang orang like i akan try my best to avoid eye contact 😂 i'll apply your tips, hehe thank you so much!! ❤

  4. Heyyyy! Im a kpop fan toooo! Im EXO-L but currently stanning the X1! So, im also One-It! Hehe. Anyway, done stalking your design at the twitter n it is sooooooo cuteeeee! All of your designnnn! Hoping that i can be creative just like youuu! No wonder people trust your for your design! Because it is really2 worth it! I really like it! ><

    And best of luck for your degree! It may be tough then diploma but its gonna be a really nice journey! Heeee. Alhamdulillah I have just done my degree! N nowww going into adults/workers lifeeee! Huhuhuhu :)

    1. Hiiii omg my friend mostly swerve jadi one it sekarang hahahaha i tak sempat nak follow pdx thats why tak terjebak but i do love their debut song! Btw thank youuuu for the compliments it means a lot to me 😭❤ if you perhaps want to use my service mana tahu kan do tell me you're the one from blogger!!

      And thank you for the encouraging words! All the best for your career too hehe ❤❤❤

  5. Good luck with your new chapter :D be happy XD

  6. Good luck 👍👍 bw here and follow #338

  7. Its already November now and pretty sure you made a lot of friends already. But i still want to give you tips XD. My number one tip is, join clubs and events. Its a good start to make friends ^^

    1. Hehe yes I did involve myself in club activities! Thank you btw ♡♡♡

  8. i like your designs keep up the hard work


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