
Looking back

by - 5:35 PM

Universiti Malaysia Pahang | 24 November 2019

Hehehehe hi guys it's been a while! Guess who made empty promise of updating new uni life but didn't? Yes, its me. I'm that clown 🤡  Sekarang dah week 13 dah pun hahahaha 

         Life update: pretty good I guess. Okay since I've never mentioned it on my blog, I pursue my degree at UMP, majoring in Graphic & Multimedia Techonology. It's my first choice course so I was happy and grateful when the result came out. Alhamdulillah. First few weeks were quite messy as I have to settle the credit exemption thingy and keep adding and dropping subjects. It was until the 3rd week kot I finally have fixed subjects registered and a schedule for the semester. Annnnd remember on my previous post I asked for tips on how to make friends. Well, honestly I don't really make A LOT of friends yet but I did try to be more friendly and tegur anyone I know when we cross path. Before this, I'm not that kind of person. Like, if orang tu tegur dulu I would gladly reply but I rarely initiate it first because takut annoying hahaha. But this time I did try and it wasn't bad at all. 

         That's it I guess for life update? Everything else is pretty much the same. Oh, and few days ago, I had my diploma convocation!! Went back to Melaka on Friday, although the convocation is on the next Tuesday. Saje pergi awal sebab nak lepak-lepak with my girls! Rindu sangatttt. Aku just jumpa Shada je sekali after habis diploma and haven't met the others. So I was soooo excited I keep screaming about my convo on twitter, it must've been annoying hahaha. Anyways, I'm not gonna talk about my convocation, actually. I just wanna talk how I've been feeling during the Melaka trip and after the convocation.

          I don't know if this is post-convo-depression I'm feeling, but I've been feeling really nostalgic these past few days. It's just... how to say it eh? Looking back, I just realized how far I've come. I still remember the first day my family send me to Melaka, back then we stayed at Bunga Raya. Hostel paling buruk pernah aku pergi. Back then I was dumbfounded at how the hostel looks like, and not to mention our house is on the 5th floor, all stairs... Bruh, penat do. Dahlah almost bulan puasa masa tu. During the Melaka trip, we dropped by at mamak dekat Bunga Raya tu, mamak tu pun dah upgrade kedai dia. Dah lawa dah. And then we talked a bit about how Bunga Raya eventually grew on us. Unlike the burukness, it is actually the best hostel we've stayed at. Kitorang semua tidur ruang tamu instead of our own room, malam-malam tidur bukak sliding door, balik kelas penat naik tangga 5 tingkat so everyone just threw ourselves dekat tilam. To me, Bunga Raya really builds our friendship. I don't think we would grow as close as we are now if we did not start with Bunga Raya.

           Also... during the convocation day itself, I met my sem 1 crush hahaha. We... almost became a thing but somehow, we didn't. I saw him once after we stopped talking, after that I think I almost never see him anymore?? Kalau ada pun maybe dari jauh, for a few seconds and that's it. Saw him on other people's insta story je. But then, I saw him again that day. I don't feel bunga-bunga dah tengok dia, although he did look better hahaha cam dah kurus sikit, BUT like I said overall it just feels nostalgic. I met him during my first semester, and now we both graduated... How time flies... And!! Aku jenis ceni tau, to move on from someone I had feelings for, I will avoid them until I fully moved on. After I did move on, honestly, honestly, I did hope we'll cross path because I want to tegur him. Because I no longer have any feelings, including hard feelings. I honestly feel like we'd be great friends. But yeah, never had the chance to. During the convocation day, aku duduk belakaaaang sekali among the graduates. Belakang row aku dah start row parents. Untuk graduates yang dah ambik scroll, diorang kena lalu belakang row aku untuk pergi balik seat diorang. And guess what I did? I tegur him. After such a looooong time. After 2 years-ish. I talked to him. It was a simple "weh haaai" but I was so satisfied. I just hope he knows by that short greeting, I have no hard feelings anymore. 

          Everything overall, is just so nostalgic. Looking at the roads we always use, going to places we always go to, driving-thru McD we always go to, singing songs we used to sang in every karaoke session, even ordering our usual ais kosong makes me feel something. Although it feels like everything goes by in a blink, looking back, 3 years are not short at all and I did a lot of things together with my friends and personally went through a lot of things that gives memorable lessons in life. It's been a great 3 years, and if you asked me if I'll go through it again, I would. Honestly, I would.

That's all I guess, Assalamualaikum! 😊

Rasa macam dewasa lah post macam ni

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10 comment(s)

  1. wow! reading this make me feel excited to pursue my degree one day (i wish). i just finished my stpm, so i never had a chance to go to uni/college before. i can relate to your nostalgic feeling, i always can't seem to let go of my form 6 friends too :((

    1. hope you'll get to pursue degree with the course you want! letting go is always hard right :( i feel so attached with my friends 😭

  2. Bila you throwback macam ni, tetiba Beeha rindu zaman zaman lepas SPM dulu. T.T

  3. rindu lahai zaman diploma..sekarg pon saya sibuk dengan degree di UITM Melaka..
    orang melaka,belajar melaka uollss...kekekeke

    jemput singgah blog saya


    1. All the best for your degree! Bestlahh tempat belajar dekat dengan rumah hihi

  4. Bila throwback macam ni, Rasa sedih kalau nak habiskan degree (tiber) . Btw dekat UMP, course u under fakulti apa eh ? btw Salam perkenalan.

    1. Alamak sorry lama sangat saya biar soalan awak tak berjawab. Under Fakulti Komputeran :)

  5. i rasa mcm nak sambung degree lepas baca ni tapi dah penattt. hahahaha IM FROM PAHANG TOO!!!

    1. Hahaha takpe youuu slow2, nanti kalau you rasa nak sambung, sambung je~ hehehe


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