
[KDRAMA REVIEW] When the Weather is Fine

5:40 PM / BY zahi ♡
Assalamualaikum! I mentioned in my previous post that I am currently watching a kdrama entitled When the Weather is Fine. I just finished it, literally just finished it and honestly I'm still overwhelmed. First, I can't believe I actually finished it. Second, I can't believe it's really over 😭 I posted a story on Instagram after watching the first two episodes. I mentioned there that they were soooo slow. Like, painfully slow. But here I...

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RMO day-???

6:02 PM / BY zahi ♡
Assalamualaikum guys! You guys can probably guess why I'm here. Dah bosan sangat habis segala social media scroll, barulah nak teringat diri sendiri ada blog hahaha. How are you guys doing during this RMO period?         It amuses me. 3 months ago we couldn't even imagine we would be stuck at home due to a pandemic. Bosan, yes, sometimes memang mati akal tak tahu dah nak buat apa. But to be bored...

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Looking back

5:35 PM / BY zahi ♡
Universiti Malaysia Pahang | 24 November 2019 Assalamualaikum! Hehehehe hi guys it's been a while! Guess who made empty promise of updating new uni life but didn't? Yes, its me. I'm that clown 🤡  Sekarang dah week 13 dah pun hahahaha           Life update: pretty good I guess. Okay since I've never mentioned it on my blog, I pursue my degree at UMP, majoring in Graphic & Multimedia Techonology. It's my first...

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A New Chapter

6:06 PM / BY zahi ♡
Mayang Sari Express, Melaka-KL | 5 Aug 2019 Assalamualaikum! Disebabkan aku triggered dengan poll @twtblogger_MY yang ada mention pasal blogger 4-7 updates per year, aku pun rasa dah tiba masanya untuk aku update something dekat sini. Target aku at least 8 updates setahun so aku tak tergolong dalam golongan 4-7 update setahun tu hahaha.        So! It has realllllly been a while, that sedar tak sedar (ayat cliche) it's already the end of...

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10:52 AM / BY zahi ♡
Kompleks Sukan, UTeM, Melaka | 27 April 2018 Assalamualaikum! Is it too late to wish Happy Fasting to everyone? Hehehe selamat berpuasa semua!! May our Ramadhan this year is filled with barakah and may we all get to use this chance to strengthen our iman and stay istiqamah to do the ibadah. Amiin!!        I've been wanting to write on this topic for quite a few times, but my laziness got in between...

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