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MITC, Melaka | 10 Jun 2017 |
Why must I decide about tomorrow, today?
How should I know what tomorrow will bring?
My path and dreams are fading
Again today, there are questions that I don't know the answer
I'm trying to answer, but I'm not confident
Is it this way, or is it that way?
I'm slowly becoming afraid of my decision
Tomorrow, Today- JJ Project
I'm having that Tomorrow, Today phase right now.
As you might know, or not know, I just finished my Industrial Training and with like 3 days break, now I'm already starting my new and also last semester of diploma. Fuhh, dah nak habis dah. Kali ni serious cepat betul masa berlalu. Lepas diploma, insyaAllah nak sambung degree pulak kalau ada rezeki. Tapi itulah, nak sambung degree tu...
So for degree, our faculty has 5-6 course to choose from. And dalam mindset aku dah target nak sambung in Interactive Media. Not saying that I'm good with it, in fact, masa diploma ada ambil tiga subject yang related to IM and, semua tu aku tak dapat score A. Probably because it's kind of related to art, so it's pretty subjective, or..... Memang aku tak pandai hahaha. But, it's the only field yang aku rasa happy nak buat and belajar. Like, isn't that the most important thing? To be happy?
Tbh, I don't think so. The most important is kena fikir peluang kerja, competition with other designers yang waaaaaay talented- yang not doing it because they like it, but also because they're good in it- but can I like really live based on doing something that I don't have the heart into? Belajar ni ya lah for maximum 4 years, but kerja? For the rest of my life?? Of course aku nak buat something yang aku happy.
I started to have this concern after talking about degree with my housemates, Amelynn (hi Amelynn I know you're reading this 👋🏻) and Aina. They seemed pretty sure about what they're going to do for degree AND for life, while I'm just here like..... huhu?
And then, I'm reminded to JJ Project's song... When it was released like summer last year, although people were saying they can relate to the song, I don't really can relate to it. But now, at this very moment, betul-betul terasa and can relate to the lyrics. Here's the link, and you can turn on CC for english subtitle: Tomorrow, Today. Sedikit sebanyak, the song did comfort me, like, I'm already at the age of facing this kind of concern, and at least I know that it is the age of having this kind of concern. Like, everyone has this phase, everyone go through this concern. I do feel a little relaxed and relieved.
Anyways, I still have some time before I have to decide about what I'm going to do, so, I guess I can take it slow. I have another network subject taken for this semester, so let's found out if network is my cup of tea. Mana tahu boleh jadi network engineer cehhhhhhhh.
That's all.
Assalamualaikum! 😊
That's all.
Assalamualaikum! 😊
Good luck to everyone's struggling with adulthood ✊🏻